Although most women feel PMS is “normal” because everyone they know seems to have at least some symptoms of it, ANY PMS symptoms are signs of hormonal imbalance. Typical symptoms of PMS are: acne, bloating, tender breasts, food cravings, lack of energy, cramps, headaches, low back pain, feeling sad/angry/anxious, being less alert, finding it hard to focus on tasks, desiring to withdraw from family and friends, and acting in a forceful or hostile way. When PMS is severe, they call it Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
There are four basic types of Premenstrual Syndrome:
PMS A – These women suffer from mild anxiety, irritability and emotional behavior due to high estrogen and low progesterone.
PMS C – These women suffer with symptoms such as increased hunger, sugar cravings, headaches, fatigue, heart pounding, dizziness or fainting due to high levels of progesterone and normal estrogen levels.
PMS H – The major symptoms of this type of PMS include weight gain, fluid retention in the extremities, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating due to high estrogen and progesterone.
PMS D – These women may experience symptoms such as forgetfulness, crying, confusion and insomnia due to low estrogen and normal progesterone levels.
Each type can be treated by normalizing hormone levels with botanical medicines (like Evening Primrose Oil and Flax Oil), exercise, and assuring proper thyroid and adrenal function.